- 1Reference: F517
Title: Final Concord. £100.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Trinity, 1716
Production date: From: 1716 To: 1716 - 2Reference: PM2837/8
Title: Fine 1) William Astell esquire, plaintiff 2) George Cawcutt and wife Elizabeth 3) Thomas Cawcott...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Trinity 2 George I [1716]
Production date: From: 1716 To: 1716 - 3Reference: X363/1/28
Title: Final Concord (left hand indenture)
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Michaelmas Term 1650
Production date: From: 1650 To: 1650 - 4Reference: ABP/W1741/17
Title: Will of George Cawcott of Chawston, Roxton, yeoman
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Made on 28 March 1739, proved on 16 May 1741
Production date: From: 1739 To: 1741