- 1Reference: HSA1673/W/9
Title: Constables Presntments: Redbornestoke Hundred. Redborne Stoake Hundred: Petty sessions at Ampthill ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1672
Production date: From: 1672 To: 1672 - 2Reference: HSA1678/W/21
Title: Recognisance:Edward Bowskill, Ampthill, apothecary. £20. --- evidence as HSA/1678 W/20
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1678
Production date: From: 1678 To: 1678 - 3Reference: HSA1678/W/47
Title: Deposition: Edward Bowskill, Ampthill, apothecary. Found Jn.Copeland in violent fever; no sign of d...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1677
Production date: From: 1677 To: 1678