- 1Reference: QSR1840/4/4/27/a
Title: George Attwood of Woburn, innholder - £20 - to prosecute James Foxley
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 10 October 1840
Production date: From: 1840 To: 1840 - 2Reference: QSR1840/4/6/27
Title: Jurors presentment - James Foxley of Woburn, labourer - for stealing bank notes to the value of £15...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 9 October 1840
Production date: From: 1840 To: 1840 - 3Reference: QSR1840/4/5/27
Title: Depositions and examination - James Foxley
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 10 October 1840
Production date: From: 1840 To: 1840 - 4Reference: QSR1842/3/1/7
Title: Names of the Grand Jury [listed by name, location and occupation]
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: June 1842
Production date: From: 1842 To: 1842