- 1Reference: BH340
Title: Quitclaim (Release of actions): Geo. & John Clarke of Stevenage, bakers (sons of G.C. of Stevenage,...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 31 May 1805
Production date: From: 1805 To: 1805 - 2Reference: HY334-6
Title: Bargain and Sale: £103. 3s. Lease, Release and Bond. (i) William Robinson of Goulthorpe, Bolton...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 23,24 March 1735
Production date: From: 1735 To: 1735 - 3Reference: QSR1874/1/4/5/a
Title: George Abbiss of Potton, publican, £20 and £10 in respect fo his wife Elizabeth Abbiss - to prosecut...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 December 1873
Production date: From: 1873 To: 1874 - 4Reference: QSR1874/1/5/5
Title: Depositions and examination - Ann Giddings, charged with stealing 3 chamber towels, 4 pocket handker...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 December 1873
Production date: From: 1873 To: 1874