- 1Reference: P61/2/14
Title: Grant
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13 July 1786
Production date: From: 1786 To: 1786 - 2Reference: P61/2/15a&b
Title: Fine (left and right indentures) i) Bryan I'Anson Bromwich. clk Plaintiffs Thos. Bromwich ii...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1785/86 (Trinity term 26 Geo. III)
Production date: From: 1785 To: 1786 - 3Reference: P64/13/1b/82
Title: Therfield, Herts re Lamech Abbey, w Reb and s Wm (aged 5)
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 2 May 1732
Production date: From: 1732 To: 1732