- 1Reference: P30/25/24
Title: Grant. Thomas Abbatt (son & heir of Edward Abbatt of Maulden, decd.), Humph. Abbatt & George Abbat...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1536
Production date: From: 1536 To: 1536 - 2Reference: P30/25/25
Title: Deed of Bargain & Sale
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1559
Production date: From: 1559 To: 1559 - 3Reference: P30/25/28
Title: Conveyance (Feoffment) John Abbott of Maulden, maltster, to George Goodwynne, gent., William Bunbery...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1588
Production date: From: 1588 To: 1588