- 1Reference: LJeayes61
Title: Letters Patent of Charles I appointing John Meredith DP Master of Wigstons Hospital, Leicester in p...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 3 Feb 1644
Production date: From: 1644 To: 1644 - 2Reference: Z2/6
Title: Deed declaring the use of a fine
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 Dec 1644
Production date: From: 1644 To: 1644 - 3Reference: L26/1145
Title: Letters patent (copy) of Charles I granting to Wm. Chillingworth the office of Master of Wigston's ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 10 March 1641
Production date: From: 1641 To: 1641 - 4Reference: L26/1146-1148
Title: Three papers (two copies of one, the third in more detail) relating to the sequestration from the a...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c. 11 April 1644
Production date: From: 1644 To: 1644 - 5Reference: HSA1670/W/34
Title: Deposition: John Stoakes 9 nov. 1669. The information of John Stoakes of Hockleiffe Beds, laborer t...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1669 - 1670
Production date: From: 1670 To: 1670 - 6Reference: P72/13/4/45
Title: Examination of George Hall, shoemaker.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 7 May 1770
Production date: From: 1770 To: 1770 - 7Reference: BorBE2/28
Title: Quit claim: John Wymund of Bedford, senior, to Peter Wymund, his brother. In 5½ acres of arable la...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 11 Sep 1317
Production date: From: 1317 To: 1317 - 8Reference: WG1051-1052
Title: Conveyance (lease and release): (i) John Boswell of Upper Dean, gentleman (brother of Thomas), Dill...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19,20 Mar 1741
Production date: From: 1741 To: 1741 - 9Reference: W1/6562
Title: Samuel Whitbread II, Geneva, to Elizabeth Grey. Marked no 17.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 8 July 1787
Production date: From: 1787 To: 1787 - 10Reference: QSR1741/107
Title: Judicial Business: Examinations and Depositions; Other Offences William Bishop, Ampthill, perriwig-...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1741
Production date: From: 1741 To: 1741