- 1Reference: CDE158/4
Title: Kimbolton Road, Merton House, extensions for school.
Level of description: series
Date Free Text: Not dated, probably 1890-1895
Production date: From: 1890 To: 1895 - 2Reference: DAH
Title: Dame Alice Harpur School Deposit.
Level of description: fonds
Date Free Text: 1882 onwards
Production date: From: 1882 - 3Reference: EPu/1/4
Title: Education: Facilities in Bedfordshire - Private and Public Schools (listed within)
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c. 1960
Production date: From: 1955 To: 1965 - 4Reference: DAH1
Level of description: sub-fonds
Date Free Text: 1882-1955
Production date: From: 1882 To: 1955 - 5Reference: DAH2
Level of description: sub-fonds
Date Free Text: 1882-2002
Production date: From: 1882 To: 2002 - 6Reference: DAH6
Title: EVENTS (including photographs where associated with other material)
Level of description: sub-fonds
Date Free Text: 1924-2009
Production date: From: 1924 To: 2009 - 7Reference: DAH6/1
Title: Speech days, prize givings and other awards
Level of description: series
Date Free Text: 1924-2008
Production date: From: 1924 To: 2008 - 8Reference: DAH6/2
Title: Other annual/regular events including: Careers conventions, open days, sports day and competitions.
Level of description: series
Date Free Text: 1944-2008
Production date: From: 1944 To: 2008 - 9Reference: E/PS
Title: Private and Charity Schools
Level of description: sub-fonds - 10Reference: E/PS1
Title: Harpur Trust
Level of description: series