- 1Reference: PL/Pu/WD/9
Title: Map book showing the land consultation areas notified to the district councils under Section 86(2) o...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: June 1981
Production date: From: 1981 To: 1981 - 2Reference: MC1/3/6
Title: Complete set of 6 inch quarter sheets used as the basis for the Land Utilisation Survey of Britain u...
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 1931
Production date: From: 1931 To: 1931 - 3Reference: MC1/3/13
Title: Partial Land Utilisation Survey series. Incomplete series of Provisional Edition possibly used as dr...
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: ?1962-6
Production date: From: 1962 To: 1966 - 4Reference: CRT130BID/5
Title: Translation of terrier of openfield land in Biddenham and Bromham (TW780)
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c1347
Production date: From: 1347 To: 1347 - 5Reference: RDLP1/3386
Title: Plans for Land Acquired for Future Generating Station, at Chalton. for The Luton Electricity Underta...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 7 July 1942
Production date: From: 1942 To: 1942 - 6Reference: CRT130LID/1
Title: Various notes: Pre-enclosure plan of village (1770) Church (demolished and rebuilt 1809) Vicarage...
Level of description: item - 7Reference: CRT130LIN/5
Title: Survey of lands in Linslade and Ascott, copied from an original in Shropshire Record Office.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1661
Production date: From: 1661 To: 1661 - 8Reference: P70/2/30
Title: File of Material relating to land transfer between the Church and the next door Conservative Club fo...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 2012-15
Production date: From: 2012 To: 2015