- 1Reference: W538
Title: Lease for lives : Rent 3 (i) Wm. Bedford clk. M.A. (Master of Hosp. of St. Jn. Bedf.) & co - bre...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 30 Aug 1753
Production date: From: 1753 To: 1753 - 2Reference: WL704
Title: 'Plan of St. Cuthbert's glebe, building estate, the property of Messrs. Hobson & Martin, timber merc...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1896
Production date: From: 1896 To: 1896 - 3Reference: P30/2
Title: Glebe & Churchyard
Level of description: sub-fonds - 4Reference: P104/2
Title: Glebe, church & churchyard, parsonage
Level of description: sub-fonds
Date Free Text: 1919-1947
Production date: From: 1919 To: 1947 - 5Reference: P46/2
Title: GLEBE (including terriers) Note: For copy of glebe terrier, 1822, see P 46/1/6
Level of description: sub-fonds - 6Reference: P76/2
Title: Incumbent, Benefice, Property & Income
Level of description: sub-fonds - 7Reference: P35/2/1
Title: GLEBE (including terriers)
Level of description: series - 8Reference: P35/25
Title: CHARITIES - Church Lands See also P 35/6 for lease of cottages 1722-3, and for list of the proper...
Level of description: sub-fonds - 9Reference: P72/2
Title: Glebe, Church & Churchyard, Parsonage
Level of description: sub-fonds - 10Reference: AD533
Title: Terrier of glebe, church furniture etc. of Harlington [see also P75/2]
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1788
Production date: From: 1788 To: 1788