- 1Reference: BML10/72/4
Title: (i) Bundle of claims for cake and other feeding stuffs, all in respect of Wood Farm, Tilsworth. Some...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1911-1914
Production date: From: 1911 To: 1914 - 2Reference: BML10/72/9
Title: Inventory and Valuation: of live and dead farming stock, hay, straw and corn at Wood Farm, Tilsworth...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 Jan 1942
Production date: From: 1942 To: 1942 - 3Reference: PY/E17/196
Title: TODDINGTON etc.: the Tilsworth Estate commercial farming unit of 2568 acres, including Herne Poplar...
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 1986
Production date: From: 1986 To: 1986 - 4Reference: DV2/D30b
Title: Tilsworth & Sewell. Based on OS sheet XXIX.13. Our OS reference equivalent OS25" 332
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c1925
Production date: From: 1924 To: 1940