- 1Reference: WB/Green4/2/5
Title: List of licensed houses of J.W.Green Limited as follows; note that former Adey & White houses are ma...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c.1952
Production date: From: 1950 To: 1952 - 2Reference: WB/Green4/2/17
Title: TRUST DEED Second Schedule of Trust Deed from J.W.Green Limited to London Assurance to secure 1,2...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1952-1972
Production date: From: 1951 To: 1972 - 3Reference: WB/Flow4/5/Bedm/S
Title: Swan, Bedmond
Level of description: sub-file - 4Reference: WB/Flow4/5/Bedm/S1
Title: Black and white photograph of exterior front
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1960s
Production date: From: 1960 To: 1968 - 5Reference: WB/Flow4/5/Bedm/S2
Title: Black and white photograph of exterior front and side
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1960s
Production date: From: 1960 To: 1968 - 6Reference: WB/Flow4/5/Bedm/S3
Title: Black and white photograph of exterior side, neighbouring terraced cottages and double decker bus
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1960s
Production date: From: 1960 To: 1968