- 1Reference: L29/568/87
Title: Grantham, St. James's to Fitzherbert, Paris (No 6, copy) It is impossible to judge whether France...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 9 Jan 1783
Production date: From: 1783 To: 1783 - 2Reference: L29/568/93
Title: Fitzherbert, Paris to Grantham, London (private) Whole business was completed last night and prel...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19 Jan 1783
Production date: From: 1783 To: 1783 - 3Reference: L29/568/98
Title: Fitzherbert, Paris to Grantham, London (most private) "General joy which has been occasioned" at ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 25 Jan 1783
Production date: From: 1783 To: 1783 - 4Reference: L29/568/129
Title: Grantham, St. James's to Fitzherbert, Paris (No 31, draft) Post Master General has applied to get...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 5 Mar 1783
Production date: From: 1783 To: 1783