- 1Reference: Z447/28
Title: MASONIC Printed "Masonic Year Book for 1938"
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1938
Production date: From: 1938 To: 1938 - 2Reference: Z447/29
Title: MASONIC Printed "Masonic Year Book Historical Supplement"
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1964
Production date: From: 1964 To: 1964 - 3Reference: Z447/30
Title: MASONIC Printed "Rules, Regulations, and List of Members" England and Wales, Dominions and Dependen...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1965
Production date: From: 1965 To: 1965 - 4Reference: Z447/31
Title: MASONIC Printed "The Freemasons' Calendar and Handbook for the Province of Bedfordshire"
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1937-8
Production date: From: 1937 To: 1938 - 5Reference: Z447/32
Title: MASONIC Printed "The Freemasons' Calendar and Handbook for the Province of Bedfordshire"
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1939-40
Production date: From: 1939 To: 1940 - 6Reference: Z447/33
Title: MASONIC Printed "The Freemasons' Calendar and Handbook for the Province of Bedfordshire"
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1954-5
Production date: From: 1954 To: 1955 - 7Reference: Z447/34
Title: MASONIC Printed "The Freemasons' Calendar and Handbook for the Province of Bedfordshire"
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1963-4
Production date: From: 1963 To: 1964 - 8Reference: Z447/35
Title: MASONIC Printed "The Freemasons' Calendar and Handbook for the Province of Bedfordshire"
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1964-5
Production date: From: 1964 To: 1965 - 9Reference: Z447/36
Title: MASONIC Printed "The Freemasons' Calendar and Handbook for the Province of Bedfordshire"
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1965-6
Production date: From: 1965 To: 1966 - 10Reference: Z447/37
Title: MASONIC Printed "The Freemasons' Calendar and Handbook for the Province of Bedfordshire"
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1966-67
Production date: From: 1966 To: 1967