- 1Reference: Z449/1/7
Title: Sale catalogue of Haynes Park Estate
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Jun 1992
Production date: From: 1312 To: 1992 - 2Reference: Z449/1/37
Title: Sale catalogue of Hinwick House
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 2003-2004
Production date: From: 1706 To: 2004 - 3Reference: GK273
Title: Tally Ho, Trumpington, Clarendon Arms, Cambridge, White Horse, Ickleton. All transferred to Cambridg...
Level of description: sub-fonds
Date Free Text: 1894 - 1938
Production date: From: 1894 To: 1938 - 4Reference: Z1105/1
Title: Liquor Licence Traders Survey Forms [Ex 103 and 103A], the forms were compiled by the Bletchley [Buc...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1935-1965
Production date: From: 1935 To: 1965 - 5Reference: AD3997
Title: Sale plan Bedford Estate no. 3, British Land Co., Clapham Road - Clarendon,Stanley, Garfield, Palme...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1885
Production date: From: 1885 To: 1885 - 6Reference: Z210/84
Title: Particulars, plans and conditions of sale of Messrs T Sworder & Co's Brewery, Luton Comprises a b...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1897
Production date: From: 1897 To: 1897 - 7Reference: LS856
Title: Conveyance. Parties (i) The British Land Company Limited, number 25 Moorgate Street, London - th...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 11 May 1887
Production date: From: 1887 To: 1887 - 8Reference: Z160/86
Title: Prospectus of Hawnes School
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1974
Production date: From: 1974 To: 1974 - 9Reference: Z38/27
Title: Rev. William Williamson. Watercolour portrait. On back: `The Reverend (6 feet 2 inches) William Wil...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: n.d. 19th century
Production date: From: 1800 To: 1900 - 10Reference: X804
Title: Clarendon School Archive
Level of description: fonds
Production date: From: 1797 To: 1797