- 1Reference: Z1169/8/21/2
Title: Beadlow Manor Hotel for J Minashi. Proposed ground floor plan showing room designations. 1: 200. ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: September 1998
Production date: From: 1998 To: 1998 - 2Reference: Z1169/8/21/3
Title: Beadlow Manor Hotel for J Minashi. Proposed first floor plan showing room designations. 1: 200. J...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: September 1998
Production date: From: 1998 To: 1998 - 3Reference: Z1169/8/21/4
Title: Beadlow Manor Hotel for J Minashi. Proposed elevations. 1: 200. Job/drawing 303/005 by the Samuel...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: September 1998
Production date: From: 1998 To: 1998 - 4Reference: Z1169/8/21/5
Title: Beadlow Manor Hotel, golf and country club. Proposed extensions and alterations for additional bedr...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: August 1993 revised June 1997
Production date: From: 1997 To: 1997 - 5Reference: Z1169/8/21/6
Title: Beadlow Manor Hotel, golf and country club. Proposed extensions and alterations for additional bedr...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: September 1993, revised November 1993
Production date: From: 1993 To: 1993 - 6Reference: Z1169/8/21/7
Title: Beadlow Manor Hotel, golf and country club. Proposed extensions and alterations for additional bedr...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: September 1993
Production date: From: 1993 To: 1993 - 7Reference: Z1169/8/21/8
Title: Beadlow Manor [Hotel] - identification map of estate. 1: 2500.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: October 1997
Production date: From: 1997 To: 1997 - 8Reference: Z1169/8/21/9
Title: Beadlow Manor [Hotel] - initial study. Sketch layout and sections. 1:500 horizontal, 1: 20 vertica...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: not dated - c1997-8
Production date: From: 1997 To: 1998 - 9Reference: Z1169/8/21/10
Title: Beadlow Manor [Hotel] - initial study. Layout plan - ground, first and second floors. 1: 500. Dra...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: July 1998
Production date: From: 1998 To: 1998 - 10Reference: Z1169/8/21/11
Title: Beadlow Manor [Hotel] - initial study. Revised bedroom wing, first floor. 1: 500. Drawing no 4801...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: not dated - c1998
Production date: From: 1998 To: 1998