- 1Reference: WL408
Title: Mortgage: £250.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 7 November 1693
Production date: From: 1693 To: 1693 - 2Reference: Z937/21
Title: Baldock, Hertfordshire
Level of description: sub-fonds
Date Free Text: 1521
Production date: From: 1521 To: 1521 - 3Reference: GK165
Title: Baldock Brewery including various public houses in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Midd...
Level of description: sub-fonds - 4Reference: GK166
Title: Baldock Brewery Mortgages
Level of description: sub-fonds - 5Reference: GK168
Title: Rose & Crown, Baldock [Hertfordshire] Transferred to Hertordshire Archives & Local Studies, County ...
Level of description: sub-fonds - 6Reference: GK170
Title: White Lion, Baldock [Hertfordshire]
Level of description: sub-fonds - 7Reference: HF45
Title: Title Deeds of Hogge & Archdale Families
Level of description: series - 8Reference: Z1039/33
Title: Lamb Hotel, Arlesey Red Lion Beerhouse, Pirton [Hertfordshire] and Black Eagle Beerhouse, Baldock [H...
Level of description: sub-fonds - 9Reference: AD3262
Title: Copy plan obtained from the Ivel Navigation Office the original plan is dated 1758 and entitled Plan...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1884
Production date: From: 1758 To: 1884 - 10Reference: BD1058
Title: Memo. of agreement to convey. (i) Fra. Beckett of Colmworth. (ii) Jas. Manison of Baldock, Herts. ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13 Feb. 1713/4
Production date: From: 1713 To: 1714