- 1Reference: GK177/13
Title: Memorandum of Deposit of Title Deeds by Wells and Winch Ltd with Lloyds Bank to secure A) Freehol...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 5 Oct 1938
Production date: From: 1920 To: 1938 - 2Reference: GK178/8
Title: Draft Assignment of Leasehold premises 1) Barclay Perkins & Co Ltd, Park St, Southwark, County of ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 30 Sep 1938
Production date: From: 1919 To: 1938 - 3Reference: GK178/16
Title: Copy of Lease for 21 years from 25 Mar 1927 1) Official Trustee of Charity Lands 2) Rev Jn Lansbur...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 Nov 1927
Production date: From: 1877 To: 1927 - 4Reference: GK179
Title: Lease of Angel Inn, Buntingford [Hertfordshire]
Level of description: sub-fonds - 5Reference: GK297/4
Title: Assignment of Leasehold Properties 1) Barclay Perkins & Co Ltd, Park St, Southwark, County of Lo...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1927-1937
Production date: From: 1927 To: 1937