- 1Reference: TW1064
Title: Quo warranto, (copy). Hugh de Audeley and wife Margaret to show how they claim view of frankpledge e...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Monday next feast Nativity St.John Baptist 4 Edward III 1330. Copy made in the time of Queen Elizabeth
Production date: From: 1330 To: 1330 - 2Reference: TW1065
Title: Paper endorsed “Bedford post mortem Hughonis de Audley tochinge Bidenham 21 Edward III maried Margar...
Level of description: item - 3Reference: TW1066
Title: field of 4 folios entitled “Copie of Tower Record touching Glocester Fee in Bidenham” extracted 1585...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1585 - 4Reference: TW1067
Title: Paper endorsed “The Leete in Biddenham”
Level of description: item