- 1Reference: Z1345/1/28
Title: Bedfordshire Times photograph of Deputy Chief Constable George Frederick Setchell receiving his reti...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: n.d. [30 June 1940]
Production date: From: 1940 To: 1940 - 2Reference: Z216/21/30
Title: Chairman of Beds standing Joint Commitee, at a presentation to Commander W J A Willis, in appreciati...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 23 November 1953
Production date: From: 1940 To: 1953 - 3Reference: Z216/31
Title: Photograph of the County Emergency Committee and Officials in the large committe room at Shire Hall,...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Circa 1945
Production date: From: 1945 To: 1945 - 4Reference: Po/MUS1/8/1
Title: Bedfordshire Constabulary Chief Constable's report to the Standing Joint Committee on policy of forc...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 18 March 1949
Production date: From: 1949 To: 1949 - 5Reference: Po/PH2/1/4
Title: Mounted photograph of Bedfordshire Constabulary administrative staff at Headquarters, named
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 30 July 1953
Production date: From: 1953 To: 1953