- 1Reference: Fasti/1/Gold
Title: GOLDINGTON (St.Mary the Virgin) Vicars - Elyas de Evesham - 1209 [instituted by Hugh of Wells,...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1209 - 1995
Production date: From: 1209 To: 1995 - 2Reference: Fasti/1/HouC
Title: HOUGHTON CONQUEST (All Saints) Rectors - M.Geoffrey Conquest - 22 Dec 1285 [presented in minor...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1285-2001
Production date: From: 1285 To: 2001 - 3Reference: Fasti/1/South
Title: SOUTHILL (All Saints) Rectors - Robert - c.1160/70; - Peter de Topesfeld - 1225 [subdeacon; a...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c.1160-1994
Production date: From: 1160 To: 1994 - 4Reference: Fasti/1/Stag
Title: STAGSDEN (St.Leonard) Vicars - Reginald de Stacheden - 1229 [capellanus; patron Prior & Conven...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1229-1984
Production date: From: 1229 To: 1984 - 5Reference: Fasti/4/Els
Title: CHANTRY NEXT TO THE BRIDGE, ELSTOW - Thomas de Hich' - 23 May 1272 [capellanus; patron John, Rect...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1272 - 1534
Production date: From: 1272 To: 1534 - 6Reference: LL1/248
Title: Release of all claim: Margaret widow of Sir John Trussell to Margaret Holand, duchess of Clarence, ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1428
Production date: From: 1428 To: 1428