- 1Reference: W498
Title: Lease for 35 yrs. : Rent 10/ - (i) Thos. Bedford of St. John's Coll. Camb. B.A. (ii) Abraham Pat...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 17 Mar 1762
Production date: From: 1762 To: 1762 - 2Reference: W935, W936
Title: Conv. in trust by lease and release: annuities of £25 & £12.12. (i) Thos. Glasse of Lond. cit. ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13 Jul 1744, 14 Jul 1744
Production date: From: 1744 To: 1785 - 3Reference: BD772
Title: Conveyance (Feoffment). (i) Thomas Christie of Bedford esq, to (ii) William Isaack of Bedford, ironm...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 27 March 1687
Production date: From: 1687 To: 1687 - 4Reference: BD774
Title: Marriage Settlement. (i) Thomas Wilkes of Bedford, ironmonger, alderman. (ii) John Foukes of Wootton...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 21 June 1705
Production date: From: 1705 To: 1705 - 5Reference: BD775
Title: Mortgage. £140. (i) Stephen Combes of Bedford, butcher. (ii) Thos. Wilkes. (iii) Geo. Maddey of Bedf...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 Oct. 1706
Production date: From: 1706 To: 1706 - 6Reference: BD776-777
Title: Conveyance (Lease and Release). £60 & £280.(i) Stephen Combes. (ii) Wm. Combes sen., Ric. Yarnton of...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 3, 4 Apr. 1707
Production date: From: 1707 To: 1707 - 7Reference: BD792
Title: Release of Actions. (i) Thomas, Richard and John Cave of Bedford (ii) Mother, Elizabeth - £600 each,...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 25 Apr. 1767
Production date: From: 1767 To: 1767 - 8Reference: BD793-794
Title: Deed to declare uses of a Fine (Lease and Release). (i) Richard Cave, malster & wife Frances. (ii) J...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 27, 28 Apr. 1767
Production date: From: 1767 To: 1767 - 9Reference: Z699/52
Title: Sarah Holmes (cousin) to Priscilla May 15 June 1826 London 15th of 6th Month 1826 My dear Prisc...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 15 June 1826
Production date: From: 1826 To: 1826 - 10Reference: X171/67
Title: Illustrations of Bedfordshire Antiquities, Monumental Heraldry and Inscriptions. Volume 4 of 5 pp. 1...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Undated