- 1Reference: FAC163/2/319
Title: Whitmore, George (31 March 1876): 1898-1934
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1898-1934
Production date: From: 1898 To: 1934 - 2Reference: DAH3/4/4/4
Title: The Ouisage no. 27
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Date Free Text: Jul 1941
Production date: From: 1941 To: 1941 - 3Reference: R6/5/5/16
Title: Feoffment
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Date Free Text: 20 Octobet 1640
Production date: From: 1640 To: 1640 - 4Reference: PM1171-1172
Title: Conveyance (bargain and sale) (copy): £4500
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 8 Oct 1622
Production date: From: 1622 To: 1622 - 5Reference: Po/PH2/3/1
Title: Laminated photocopy of portraits of the Bedford Borough Police, 1923
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Date Free Text: 1923-2000
Production date: From: 1923 To: 2000 - 6Reference: X27/15
Title: Will of Sir Edward Duncombe of Battlesden
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Date Free Text: 1 Jan 1637/8
Production date: From: 1611 To: 1638 - 7Reference: W2226
Title: Assignment of lease: good considerations. Rent, £66..12s per annum
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 4 Jul 1629
Production date: From: 1628 To: 1629 - 8Reference: W2300
Title: Assignment: 'good considerations'
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Date Free Text: 18 Jan 1639/40
Production date: From: 1617 To: 1640