- 1Reference: HN10/353/CB1
Title: Copy letter from Charles Pell Hall (agent on behalf of the Duke of Bedford) to Phillip Jones Whitake...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 3 Apr 1911
Production date: From: 1911 To: 1911 - 2Reference: HN10/353/CB2
Title: Letter from underwritten to Charles Pell Hall, agent to Duke of Bedford, Park Farm Office, Woburn, B...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1911
Production date: From: 1911 To: 1911 - 3Reference: HN10/353/CB3
Title: Extracts taken from various deeds concerning Chenies Baptist Chapel and the trustees thereof. Inc...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: n.d c.1912
Production date: From: 1912 To: 1912 - 4Reference: HN10/353/CB4
Title: Draft Conveyance Parties: (i) Sir Walter Roper Lawrence of 22 Sloane Gardens, London and Victor ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 29 Nov 1912
Production date: From: 1911 To: 1912