- 1Reference: WB/Green4/2/5
Title: List of licensed houses of J.W.Green Limited as follows; note that former Adey & White houses are ma...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c.1952
Production date: From: 1950 To: 1952 - 2Reference: Z41/Lb10/4/65
Title: Vol.11 No.6 Includes the following: -London Brick Landfill Limited [pg12]; -London Brick Company ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Nov/Dec 1981
Production date: From: 1981 To: 1981 - 3Reference: X550/8/1/1609
Title: LA THIEULOYE 1-9-16 Training carried out according to Brigade and Battn Programme. battn visited C...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Sep 1916
Production date: From: 1916 To: 1916 - 4Reference: X550/7/1/1804
Title: WAR DIARY FOR APRIL 1918 1 Apr 1918 - front line trenches near Rossignol Wood Battn in the line,...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1-30 Apr 1918
Production date: From: 1918 To: 1918 - 5Reference: Z209/59b
Title: Scrap book inscribed,” Bunyan Sunday School Elstow A Special Prize gift from A.W. Watson 1907. This...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1907
Production date: From: 1907 To: 1907 - 6Reference: X704/175/16
Title: TURRELL W. Notice reference takeover of the business of A.W. Watson, coal and manure merchant.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Undated c.1920s?
Production date: From: 1920 To: 1929 - 7Reference: Z41/LB9/5/28
Title: Phorpres News, ‘The Organ of The London Brick Company Limited Welfare & Sports Association’. Bound ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Jan - Dec 1963
Production date: From: 1963 To: 1963 - 8Reference: X679/3/0
Title: Deed of covenant (and receipt for 12/6d)
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 12 August 1904
Production date: From: 1904 To: 1904 - 9Reference: BMS/HWL/40/1
Title: Copy letter to A. Watson, Church Farm Little Brickhill. Requesting addressee to give a display with ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 18 Mar 1935
Production date: From: 1935 To: 1935 - 10Reference: BMS/P155
Title: Photograph of 1st XV rugby team from Bedford Modern School. Only named players are G. de Smidt, A. W...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1899
Production date: From: 1899 To: 1899