- 1Reference: WB/Pearman7/2/1
Title: Page 184 from History of Luton by William Austin, volume II noting that: - Pearman family had, for ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1928
Production date: From: 1869 To: 1928 - 2Reference: WB/Pearman7/2/2
Title: Cutting from Luton News regarding reconstitution of J.W.Green Limited and application for stock issu...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 6 Jun 1935
Production date: From: 1857 To: 1939 - 3Reference: WB/Pearman7/2/3
Title: Cutting regarding takeover of J.& J.E.Phillips Limited of The Brewery, Royston [Hertfordshire] by J....
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Dec 1949
Production date: From: 1725 To: 1949 - 4Reference: WB/Pearman7/2/4
Title: Cutting from Luton News on J.W.Green Limited, on eve of its merger with Flower & Sons Limited, inclu...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 4 Mar 1954
Production date: From: 1853 To: 1954 - 5Reference: WB/Green4/1/Lu/Gran1
Title: Agreement to Lease [slightly water damaged by enemy action at Lawrance, Messer & Company, 16 Coleman...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 28 May 1872
Production date: From: 1872 To: 1872