- 1Reference: W1009, W1010
Title: Conveyance by way of exchange & reconveyance (Lease & Release) (i) Wm. Hen. Whitbread of Southil...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 Aug 1817 - 2 Aug 1817
Production date: From: 1817 To: 1818 - 2Reference: GK290/5
Title: Abstract of Sam Wilson's title to freehold lands at Lower Stondon in Shitlington and at Upper Ston...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1842
Production date: From: 1771 To: 1842 - 3Reference: Z575
Title: Records relating to the Southill Estate (Whitbread family)
Level of description: fonds
Date Free Text: 1807 - 1881
Production date: From: 1807 To: 1881 - 4Reference: Z575/226
Title: Letter from William Waldegrave, 99 Great Russell Street, to Eade & Hawkins enclosing a letter from W...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 30 May 1818
Production date: From: 1818 To: 1818 - 5Reference: Z575/227
Title: Letter from William Vizard to Eade & Hawkins sending a draft conveyance [see Z 575/226] on behalf ...
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Date Free Text: 30 May 1818
Production date: From: 1818 To: 1818 - 6Reference: Z575/229
Title: Letter from Eade & Hawkins to William Waldegrave to say the draft has been received from William Viz...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 3 Jun 1818
Production date: From: 1818 To: 1818 - 7Reference: Z575/230
Title: Letter from Eade & Hawkins to William Vizard asking what security is proposed as a substitute for th...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 3 Jun 1818
Production date: From: 1818 To: 1818 - 8Reference: Z575/231
Title: Letter from William Vizard to Eade & Hawkins referring them to Mr Wilshere on the matter outlined in...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 5 Jun 1818
Production date: From: 1818 To: 1818 - 9Reference: Z575/234
Title: Letter from Joseph Eade to William Vizard saying that Mr Wilshere's letter to Joseph Eade about the ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 Jul 1818
Production date: From: 1818 To: 1818 - 10Reference: Z575/236
Title: Letter from William Vizard to Joseph Eade saying that he has made such an arrangement with the brewh...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 2 Jul 1818
Production date: From: 1818 To: 1818