- 1Reference: X692/15
Title: 180 High Street Dunstable, assignment of lease
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 31 March 1908
Production date: From: 1908 To: 1908 - 2Reference: MB2/DSQ/6/3946
Title: Transcript of indenture for purchase of land adjacent to Wesleyan Chapel by chapel trustees from Jef...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 November 1908
Production date: From: 1908 To: 1908 - 3Reference: MB2/DSQ/4/4086
Title: List of Dunstable businessmen connected with The Square Methodist Church and other Dunstable non-con...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1992
Production date: From: 1850 To: 1993 - 4Reference: PULC2/2/7
Title: Substitutional valuation list of the parish of Dunstable
Level of description: item - 5Reference: QSR1915/1/6/2
Title: Indicment; Alice Ginger & Robert Ginger
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 6th January 1915
Production date: From: 1915 To: 1915