- 1Reference: HSA1684/W/29
Title: Constable's Presentment:Wixamtree Hundred: 5 March 1683 Beeston Thorncott & Hatch: Edward Poppleton...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1684
Production date: From: 1684 To: 1684 - 2Reference: HSA1684/S/18
Title: Constables Presentments:Wixamtree Hundred Wixamtree Hundred: 30 June 1684 Beeston Thorncott & Hatc...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1684
Production date: From: 1684 To: 1684 - 3Reference: PM536-538
Title: Conveyance (lease and release): £64. With bond. i) Richard Thorogood of Yelling, Huntingdonshire...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 3, 4 Mar 1703/4
Production date: From: 1703 To: 1704 - 4Reference: W2257
Title: Feoffment: a debt of £133..10s..6d
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 7 Dec 1657
Production date: From: 1657 To: 1658