- 1Reference: HSA1672/W/20
Title: Calendar of Prisoners in the County Gaol. Includes the name John Bunyan. PRISONERS IN GAOL A Callen...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1672
Production date: From: 1672 To: 1672 - 2Reference: P3/25/5-6
Title: Appointment of new trustees (lease & release)
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19-20 feb 1706-7
Production date: From: 1706 To: 1707 - 3Reference: AD1597
Title: Agreement to sell: £7,300.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 10 August 1700
Production date: From: 1700 To: 1700 - 4Reference: AD1598
Title: Agreement:
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 8 Dec 1703
Production date: From: 1703 To: 1703 - 5Reference: CD21
Title: Bond: £200. Robert Carter of Hatch, yeoman. Robert Thomson of Thorncot/Thorncote, yeoman. For observ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 28 Mar 1638
Production date: From: 1638 To: 1638 - 6Reference: WY739
Title: Grant by William Penn of land for formation of a company, to be called the New Mediterranean Sea Com...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 7 Jun 1686
Production date: From: 1686 To: 1686 - 7Reference: HY299-300
Title: Feoffment, with bond: £79. 2s.6d. (i) Stephen Browne of Peterborough gentleman. (ii) Thomas Brom...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 11 November 1668
Production date: From: 1668 To: 1668 - 8Reference: HY301-3
Title: Feoffment: £80, and Bond and Receipt. (i) Thomas Bromsall of Biggleswade esquire. (ii) Simon Pot...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 4 November 1678
Production date: From: 1678 To: 1678 - 9Reference: Z41/LB9/5/22
Title: Phorpres News, ‘The Organ of The London Brick Company Limited Welfare & Sports Association’. Bound ...
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Date Free Text: Jan - Dec 1957
Production date: From: 1957 To: 1957 - 10Reference: X21/29
Title: Draft conveyance: James Selby to John Collins. ---- A close, 9 acres in the fields of Wavendon, oc...
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Date Free Text: 31 May 1680
Production date: From: 1680 To: 1680