- 1Reference: A181
Title: Feoffment: (i) John Rowley of Hemingford Abbotts [Huntingdonshire]; (ii) John Tebbutt of Luton ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1684
Production date: From: 1684 To: 1684 - 2Reference: A182
Title: Feoffment: (i) John Tebbutt; (ii) Richard Stringar (a) messuage in Market Hill, Luton [later no...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1684 [1685]
Production date: From: 1685 To: 1685 - 3Reference: A183
Title: Lease of Right: (i) John Tebbutt; (ii) Richard Stringar; Richard Tebbutt of Houghton Regis (a) ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1684 [1685]
Production date: From: 1685 To: 1685 - 4Reference: Z749/46
Title: Particulars and conditions of sale and related correspondence regarding 37 acres freehold and copyho...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1892
Production date: From: 1840 To: 1892 - 5Reference: GK15/1
Title: Conveyance 1) Jn Wm Tebbutt of Biggleswade, Gent. (vendor) 2) Fred Archdale, R.H. and C.S. Lindsel...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 11 Dec 1873
Production date: From: 1873 To: 1873 - 6Reference: Z1039/34/2a
Title: Copy Conveyance
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 31 May 1899
Production date: From: 1851 To: 1899 - 7Reference: SF20/69
Title: East End Farm, Flitwick. Items relating to the estate of the late John William Tebbutt
Level of description: series
Date Free Text: Mar - Dec 1885
Production date: From: 1885 To: 1885 - 8Reference: X758/13/8/1
Title: Press Copy Abstract of Title of Henry Nix Clayton to 5 freehold cottages in Palace Street, Biggleswa...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1890
Production date: From: 1827 To: 1890 - 9Reference: HN2/B3/33
Title: Extracts from Flitwick Property Tax Assessment showing the following:
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c.1870
Production date: From: 1860 To: 1879 - 10Reference: P3/2/9
Title: Abstract of agreement between Rev. Jas Jenkyn and his tenants of glebe land belonging to Wootton Vic...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1846-1852
Production date: From: 1846 To: 1852