- 1Reference: Z831/1
Title: Toft & Temple Estate Abstract of the Title of Edward John Morant Gale and Charles Townsend Murdoch,...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1876
Production date: From: 1876 To: 1876 - 2Reference: Z41/LB10/4/19
Title: Vol.4 No.1 Includes the following: - London BrickLand Development Limited [pg.5]; - Photographs: ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Jan/Feb/Mar 1974
Production date: From: 1974 To: 1974 - 3Reference: Z41/LB10/4/49
Title: Vol.9 No.2 Includes the following: -Focus on the Purchasing and Supply Department [pg.4 - 9]; -Ph...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: March/April 1979
Production date: From: 1979 To: 1979 - 4Reference: Z41/LB10/4/63
Title: Vol.11 No.4 Includes the following: -Report on London Brick Landfill Limited [pg. 8]; -'Another f...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Jul/Aug 1981
Production date: From: 1981 To: 1981 - 5Reference: Z41/LB10/4/68
Title: Vol. 12 No.3 Includes the following: -Chairman's Annual Statement to Stockholders [pg. 1 - 6]; -...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: May/Jun 1982
Production date: From: 1982 To: 1982 - 6Reference: PL/RS/5/3/3
Title: Proof of evidence of Mark McDonald Sunner, Landscape Architect for the Public Inquiry into the propo...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Apr 1990
Production date: From: 1990 To: 1990 - 7Reference: X550/3/WD/1901
Title: War Diary for January 1919 1-31 Jan 1918 THE BATTALION WAS BILLETED AT SEVIGNY FROM 1ST TO 31ST ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1-31 Jan 1919
Production date: From: 1919 To: 1919 - 8Reference: DSA/MU1/1/4/1
Title: Programme for the Mothers Union film showing moving pictures of the stone-laying and opening of the ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 4 Mar 1927
Production date: From: 1927 To: 1927 - 9Reference: P41/28/8
Title: Cardboard plan for a model of "Mary Sumner House", to be made and turned into a collecting box
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c.1929
Production date: From: 1929 To: 1929 - 10Reference: P134/28/1
Title: Card. Giving objects of Mother's Union (founded by Mary Sumner)
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: undated