- 1Reference: DAH3/4/7/1
Title: The Ouisage no. 44
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Jul 1958
Production date: From: 1958 To: 1958 - 2Reference: DAH3/4/7/4
Title: The Ouisage no. 47
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Jul 1961
Production date: From: 1961 To: 1961 - 3Reference: DAH8/2/72
Title: Copy of DAH8/2/45, with names added in manuscript to the mount:
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1958
Production date: From: 1958 To: 1958 - 4Reference: DAH8/3/1/7
Title: Prefects, photocopy from DAH8/3/1/6, with partial key to names:
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1957-58
Production date: From: 1957 To: 1958