- 1Reference: BD1129
Title: Final Concord. £41. Plt. : Stephen Rolt. Defs. : Jn. Rolt gent., & w. Judith, Thos. Rolte gent.,...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 22 Jun. 1612
Production date: From: 1612 To: 1612 - 2Reference: BD1130
Title: Final Concord. Counterpart of no.BD 1129
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1612
Production date: From: 1612 To: 1612 - 3Reference: BS1068
Title: Lease, 2000 years, £220, yearly rent one penny: (i) John Rolte of Milton Ernest, gentleman, Thomas ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 14 Jul 1612
Production date: From: 1612 To: 1612