- 1Reference: RDBP3/1036
Title: Plan. Temporary garage, 158 High Street, Riseley. Owner - C Pope
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13 March 1948
Production date: From: 1948 To: 1948 - 2Reference: Z1485/1
Title: Ledger. With index of customers and details of work commissioned and completed.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1933-1956
Production date: From: 1933 To: 1956 - 3Reference: HF41/2/7/29
Title: Bundle of correspondence regarding Collection of Debts
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Jan - Mar 1876
Production date: From: 1872 To: 1876 - 4Reference: HF157/2/19
Title: Nomination paper of Rt. Hon. Alwyne Frederick, commonly called Lord Alwyne Compton, of 7 Balfour Pla...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1895
Production date: From: 1895 To: 1895 - 5Reference: Z170/44
Title: Receipted bill from John Foster & Son of Biggleswade to Mr Conquest for 50 bushels of duck coals
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 3 April 1835
Production date: From: 1835 To: 1835 - 6Reference: X440/448a
Title: Plan on tracing paper by C. Pope, as X440/448 [except that all wording inverted]
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1851
Production date: From: 1851 To: 1851 - 7Reference: BMS/P1536
Title: Bedford Modern School form photograph. Class 5Sc. Photograph by F Jewell Harrison.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1966 - 1967
Production date: From: 1966 To: 1967 - 8Reference: BMS/P1584
Title: Bedford Modern School form photograph. Class V Science. Photograph by F Jewell Harrison.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1965-1966
Production date: From: 1965 To: 1966 - 9Reference: HF20/202a/1
Title: Draft bill of sale and papers. C J and W Pope.
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 1882
Production date: From: 1882 To: 1882 - 10Reference: HF20/389/4
Title: Release and indemnity G K Pope and others to Percy Mason, W J and C J Pope. property including 'The...
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 1900
Production date: From: 1900 To: 1900