- 1Reference: P41/25/4/2/16
Title: Frederic William Patrick, son of Joel Patrick. Aged 15 on 18 Oct 1875. Apprenticed to Frederick Theo...
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Date Free Text: 3 Apr 1875
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Title: Laporte News. Vol.7.No.9 House Magazine of the Laporte Group of Companies.
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Date Free Text: September 1967
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Title: Marriage Settlement (Lease & Release)
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Date Free Text: 16/17 June 1783
Production date: From: 1783 To: 1783 - 4Reference: AL604
Title: Mortgage £350
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Date Free Text: 29 Apr 1794
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Title: Marriage Settlement (Lease & Release)
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Date Free Text: 3-4 Jul 1794
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Title: Probate of Nat(haniel) Simkins, Stanford, Southill, farmer:
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Date Free Text: 27 Jun 1804, proved 1804
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Title: Lease: 21 yrs rent £46 William Henry Sandon to John Patrick, publican & farmer. A piece of land in S...
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Date Free Text: 10 Oct 1874
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Title: Names of Jurors to try Traverses and Prisoners at the Bar [Petty Jury]. Listed by name, location and...
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Date Free Text: 31 December 1872
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Title: Joseph Patrick to Samuel Whitbread II: conditions on which the Southill meeting-house may be used as...
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Date Free Text: 13 February 1809
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