- 1Reference: ABCV133/106/17
Title: Easter visitation. Churchwardens Miss Freda Christine Starey and Frederick John Ames. Incoming churc...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1965
Production date: From: 1965 To: 1965 - 2Reference: ABCV133/106/18
Title: Easter visitation. Churchwardens Frederick John Ames and Ernest Walter Richard Page.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1966
Production date: From: 1966 To: 1966 - 3Reference: ABCV133/106/19
Title: Easter visitation. Churchwardens Frederick John Ames and Wilfred Samuel Spear Yeo. Note that churchw...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1967
Production date: From: 1967 To: 1967