- 1Reference: SF40/1
Title: Hoo Farm, Meppershall. Sale of 70 oak, 16 ash and 71 elms, 45 lots of fagots and leg wood. By direct...
Level of description: series
Date Free Text: 30 May 1856
Production date: From: 1856 To: 1856 - 2Reference: PUBZ3/7/111
Title: Folio.175-176 Hannah Neal wife of Isaac Neal (formerly Hannah Adams, spinster) touching the legal s...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 23 January 1830
Production date: From: 1830 To: 1830 - 3Reference: X109/1/87
Title: Folio 87. An Account of the indentures of apprentice bound out by the Bedford Charity
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: July 1813 - Aug 1814
Production date: From: 1813 To: 1814