- 1Reference: GK177/8a-b
Title: 2nd Debenture in 250 and 5% interest issued by W Worboys Ltd to Thos Solly Coleman of Goss Hall, A...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1913
Production date: From: 1913 To: 1913 - 2Reference: GK177/10
Title: Order in Chancery (Copy Duplicate) in Vandeleur Bright Bright-Smith v Worboys & Jarman Ltd, Geo Wa...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 14 May 1915
Production date: From: 1915 To: 1915 - 3Reference: GK177/12
Title: Additional Documents Abstract of Title of Barclay Perkins & Co Ltd to freehold hereditaments in C...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 9 Sep 1920
Production date: From: 1913 To: 1938