- 1Reference: Z940/6
Title: In Newport for repairs. Left to right: A MacCrindle, Seaman; Angus MacKenzie, Stoker; William Myers,...
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Date Free Text: May/June 1941
Production date: From: 1941 To: 1941 - 2Reference: GK177/5
Title: Conveyance 1) Geo Warren Bindloss of Meldreth, Cambs, Brewer Hen Jn Gibbs of St Edmundsbury, Roys...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 Jan 1913
Production date: From: 1897 To: 1913 - 3Reference: GK177/8a-b
Title: 2nd Debenture in 250 and 5% interest issued by W Worboys Ltd to Thos Solly Coleman of Goss Hall, A...
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Date Free Text: 1913
Production date: From: 1913 To: 1913 - 4Reference: GK177/10
Title: Order in Chancery (Copy Duplicate) in Vandeleur Bright Bright-Smith v Worboys & Jarman Ltd, Geo Wa...
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Date Free Text: 14 May 1915
Production date: From: 1915 To: 1915 - 5Reference: GK177/12
Title: Additional Documents Abstract of Title of Barclay Perkins & Co Ltd to freehold hereditaments in C...
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Date Free Text: 9 Sep 1920
Production date: From: 1913 To: 1938 - 6Reference: HSA1665/S/1
Title: Calendarium Comitatus Bedford. Endorsed: 'Bed' Est. xviio Ca. iidi. Usual officers: Prisoners at ba...
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Date Free Text: 6 July 1665
Production date: From: 1665 To: 1665 - 7Reference: HSA1666/W/16
Title: Memorandum. Imprisonment of John Wright, collarmaker; Geo. Farr, grocer; John Overill, labourer; Wi...
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Date Free Text: 1666
Production date: From: 1666 To: 1666 - 8Reference: HF147/2/597
Title: Occurrence report by Ebenezer Cain, police constable at Biggleswade: William Myers for being drunk o...
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Date Free Text: 20 February 1875
Production date: From: 1875 To: 1875 - 9Reference: PM1065
Title: Marriage settlement (copy): on the marriage of i) and ii); i) Richard Bosworth of London, tobacco ...
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Date Free Text: 18 Dec 1740
Production date: From: 1740 To: 1740 - 10Reference: PM1069
Title: Release (copy): £750 each paid by John Bosworth to uncles John and Samuel, being money previously ...
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Date Free Text: 23 Mar 1768
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