- 1Reference: FR2/8/3/70
Title: Certificate of distraint from Rich M. Brown of Luton. By warrant signed by Hen Musgrave for Samuel C...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 3 Sep 1839
Production date: From: 1839 To: 1839 - 2Reference: HA198
Title: Receipt of Francis Pett for Henry Musgrave esq. for £11. 0s. 10d. for fine and fees on admission of ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1827
Production date: From: 1827 To: 1827 - 3Reference: QSR1839/1/10/1
Title: George West of Bedford swears that he saw the attached certificates signed by George Musgrave and He...
Level of description: sub-file
Date Free Text: 3 January 1839
Production date: From: 1839 To: 1839 - 4Reference: WJ470
Title: 2 messuages Pegsdon End, 1 cottage Hanscome End, 3 closes, 4 allotments
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 9 Feb 1876
Production date: From: 1876 To: 1876 - 5Reference: WJ483
Title: Conveyance (Lease and Release) £765
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 22 Jun 1833
Production date: From: 1833 To: 1833 - 6Reference: QGR5/142
Title: Minute book of the Visiting Justices [third volume] [see also QGR 4/1-360]. Page 142 includes the f...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 13 January 1835
Production date: From: 1835 To: 1835 - 7Reference: ST1325
Title: Enquiry from Henry M Musgrave, Brook House, High Wycombe. Wishes to know the particulars on behalf o...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 8 Mar 1849
Production date: From: 1849 To: 1849 - 8Reference: BS2283
Title: Probate of will of George Musgrave esquire, Green Street, Grosvenor Square, Middlesex
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 29 August 1822; codicils 1823. Proved 22 Apr 1824
Production date: From: 1822 To: 1824 - 9Reference: QSR1833/2/1/3
Title: Henry Musgrave Musgrave, esquire - Oath of allegiance to become a Justice of the Peace.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 15 January 1833
Production date: From: 1833 To: 1833 - 10Reference: QSR1833/2/1/8
Title: Henry Musgrave Musgrave, esquire - Oath of Qualification to become a Justice of the Peace by way of ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 10 April 1833
Production date: From: 1833 To: 1833