- 1Reference: Z937/15/16
Title: A detailed account by Carolus Nicholls Field of repairing, refurbishing and cleaning the Brotherhood...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1764
Production date: From: 1763 To: 1763 - 2Reference: X836/4/7
Title: Bundle of correspondence relating to fees paid or payable includes reference to: wording for endorse...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1902-1929
Production date: From: 1902 To: 1929 - 3Reference: X836/5/6/4C
Title: Note working out compensation owned by W B [sic] Moss
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c1922-1932
Production date: From: 1922 To: 1932 - 4Reference: WW2/AR/CA1/1/2
Title: File regarding return of requisitioned or otherwise occupied premises and action taken. The file is ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1940-1948
Production date: From: 1940 To: 1948