- 1Reference: BorBTP/69/262
Title: Cooper Road: villa residence, for Mr John P. Mile. [The Charter Building Design Group, 65 Goldingt...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c1960
Production date: From: 1960 To: 1960 - 2Reference: TW158
Title: Grant i) John son of Robert Mile of Bydenham, chaplain ii) Sir John de Schitlyndon, parson of the ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Thursday Sts.Philip and James 22 Edward III 1 May 1348
Production date: From: 1348 To: 1348 - 3Reference: ABP/W1604-1605/99
Title: Will of John Mile of Melchbourne, husbandman
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Made 3 November 1604, Proved 11 October 1605
Production date: From: 1604 To: 1605