- 1Reference: UDA16/2
Title: Roll of Honour (printed board) of the South Midland District National Fire Brigades' Union, containi...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: November 1915
Production date: From: 1915 To: 1915 - 2Reference: X291/83/167
Title: ELECTION HANDBILL: Photograph of Lord Baring, Unionist Candidate for North Bedfordshire. Photograp...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1892
Production date: From: 1892 To: 1892 - 3Reference: AU10/102/1/190a
Title: Newspaper Cutting re Barbara Cartland
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 29 March 1970
Production date: From: 1970 To: 1970