- 1Reference: P37/28/1
Title: Four printed items
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 22 May 1920; n.d. [1923]; 20 May 1939; 24 June 1940
Production date: From: 1920 To: 1940 - 2Reference: Z740/2/4
Title: The Rev. G.J. Mayhew: Arlesey glebe. (1676)
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 1899 - 1900
Production date: From: 1899 To: 1900 - 3Reference: Z740/2/6
Title: Mayhew and Mouser: sale and purchase. (1887)
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 1902
Production date: From: 1902 To: 1902 - 4Reference: Z740/2/7
Title: The Rev. G.J. Mayhew: Great Northern Railway widening. (1812)
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 1902 - 1903
Production date: From: 1902 To: 1903 - 5Reference: Z740/2/14
Title: Timber at Arlesey and Henlow: the Rev. G.J. Mayhew and Cyril Gurney to Great Northern Railway. (21)
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 1916
Production date: From: 1916 To: 1916 - 6Reference: Z740/2/18
Title: The Rev. G.J. Mayhew: sale of Arlesey glebe to Biggleswade Rural District Council. (249)
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 1922
Production date: From: 1922 To: 1922