- 1Reference: Z41/LB10/4/6
Title: Vol.1.No.6 Includes the following: - Focus on Stewartby Works [pg.3 - 11] - Peterborough Kilns li...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Nov/Dec 1971
Production date: From: 1971 To: 1971 - 2Reference: WB/Flow4/5/Bedf/ET1
Title: Black and white photograph of exterior front looking towards junction of Midland Road and Priory Str...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1960s
Production date: From: 1960 To: 1968 - 3Reference: WB/Green4/5/Bedf/ET1
Title: Black and white photograph of exterior front on Midland Road at Priory Street, also showing Marina c...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1950s
Production date: From: 1950 To: 1954 - 4Reference: SDKempstonDAU5/2/8/5
Title: Under 12 girls’ netball team. Mrs J Butterworth, Lisa de Nobrega, Milunicka Stretnovic, Karen Slater...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: n.d. [c.1983]
Production date: From: 1983 To: 1983