- 1Reference: LJeayes217
Title: Grant by Joan, relict of Richard de Maray one of the heirs of Dom. John Malherbe of Houghtone to Jo...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 30 Nov 1313
Production date: From: 1313 To: 1313 - 2Reference: LJeayes219
Title: Grant by Joan, widow of Richard de Karsy of Houghton Con- quest to John de Sancto Amando, lord of M...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: September 1314
Production date: From: 1314 To: 1314 - 3Reference: Fasti/1/Ting
Title: TINGRITH (St.Nicholas) Rectors - Nicholas de Tingrith [1215-1220 [capellanus; patron Nicholas de...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1215-1994
Production date: From: 1215 To: 1994 - 4Reference: Fasti/5/Hock
Title: HOSPITAL OF ST.JOHN the BAPTIST, HOCKLIFFE Masters - Turold - 1227; - Alan - 1247; - Walter ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1227 - 1422
Production date: From: 1227 To: 1422 - 5Reference: RO5/6
Title: Quitclaim i) Geoffery Abbot of Warden and the convent of the same ii) Geoffery Conquest
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: day of St.Scolastice, virgin.30 Henry son of John 1245 [10 Feb 1245/6]
Production date: From: 1245 To: 1246 - 6Reference: RO5/160
Title: Quitclaim i) John of St.Amand (de Sancto Amando) lord of Mulebrok (Millbrook) ii) John son of Rapl...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Friday next after feast of St.Luke, evangelist 2 Edward III [21 Oct 1328]
Production date: From: 1315 To: 1315