- 1Reference: W19
Title: Grant: Rob. Lytle and John Prentys glouere, exors. of Isabella Lytle, wid. of Wm. Lytle of Bedfo...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19 Aug 1410
Production date: From: 1410 To: 1410 - 2Reference: W20
Title: Grant: Alice wid. of Rog. Barkere of Bedford, to Rob. Plomer of the same 2 selions on the fld...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 29 May 1419
Production date: From: 1419 To: 1419 - 3Reference: AD153
Title: Assignment of mortgage by demise: i) Thomas Money of Bedford, gent., and George Skelton of Bedford,...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 Oct 1658
Production date: From: 1658 To: 1658 - 4Reference: AD154
Title: Assignment of mortgage by demise: i) Robert Brooke alias Little of Bedford, gent., and George Skel...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 23 Apr 1659
Production date: From: 1657 To: 1659 - 5Reference: BorBF11/5
Title: Court book, view of frankpledge [English 1653 - 1660, Latin 1660 - 1673]
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1653 - 1673
Production date: From: 1653 To: 1673 - 6Reference: AD3778
Title: Quitclaim (i) Thomas Creswell of St. Albans, gent., son and heir apparent of Thomas Creswell of Cra...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 Aug 1643
Production date: From: 1643 To: 1643 - 7Reference: R6/5/5/38
Title: Feoffment
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 November 1656
Production date: From: 1656 To: 1656 - 8Reference: R6/5/5/39
Title: Bond by Robert Collyer of Woolavington [Somerset], clerk for £600 to Robert Brooke alias Little of B...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 November 1656
Production date: From: 1656 To: 1656 - 9Reference: R6/5/5/40
Title: Assignment of Trustees
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 3 November 1656
Production date: From: 1656 To: 1656 - 10Reference: R6/5/5/41
Title: Fine made at Bedford before Robert Fitzhugh, mayor and Richard Mightnall and William Fenn, bailiffs ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 3 November 1656
Production date: From: 1656 To: 1656