- 1Reference: BML10/48/2
Title: (i) Plan of Woodleys Farm, Melchbourne, by Robinson and Hall, Chartered Surveyors, Bedford. 25 Augus...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1934
Production date: From: 1934 To: 1934 - 2Reference: AO/C3/10
Title: Agricultural Officer’s correspondence, includes the following: - National Rat Week 1935 - Anthrax ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Jun 1934 - Jan 1936
Production date: From: 1934 To: 1936 - 3Reference: OR2341/11/15
Title: Invitation Card issued by Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire and Lady Luke to Colonel and Mrs R R B Orl...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 27 July 1938
Production date: From: 1938 To: 1938 - 4Reference: MO/13/1198
Title: Letters related to events held by church
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1953-1967, 1971
Production date: From: 1953 To: 1971