- 1Reference: SDToddington12/14/17
Title: Toddington Council School class photograph with teacher Hilda Franklin. Taken at the same time as SD...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c 1921-22
Production date: From: 1921 To: 1923 - 2Reference: SDToddington12/14/20
Title: Toddington Council School Second Class. Named as; ? Dave Clark, ?, Harold Evans, Albert Russell, Dic...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1927
Production date: From: 1927 To: 1927 - 3Reference: SDToddington12/14/26
Title: Toddington Council School woodwork room with teacher Eric Fryer and boys including Albert Russell, M...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: n.d. c1930-31
Production date: From: 1930 To: 1931